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A Visionary Quest

What We’re All About

Stones Throw is a community preschool aimed at broadening children's minds and developing their relationship to the world around them.  Since our founding, we’ve focused on supporting kids unique visions and encouraging social interactions during their formative years.

All activities are designed to adequately nurture the emotional and intellectual growth of our kids. Through stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities, young children are free to develop into bright young minds. Reach out to learn more, and enroll with us today!

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Mission Statement

Unique and Valuable

At Stones Throw we are committed to providing a safe, compelling and warm community atmosphere for your children.  Our unique Preschool offers various activities that are specifically designed to encourage each child’s growth. Through cooperative play and creative activities, kids reach their social, emotional and physical milestones naturally while allowing them space to discover their own distinctive gifts.

Home: Our Mission

Question. Think. Experiment. Discover.

Learning Through Play


Outdoor Games

Stones Throw has a large outdoor area for children to get their daily dose of fresh air and an opportunity to stretch their growing legs.


Imaginative Play

Play can be used as a learning tool when we understand why the child is having fun.  Gathering information on what the child knows and wants to know directs these activites.


Art Lessons

Children are encouraged to develop an artistic perspective through which they can articulate their vision and foster a dynamic viewpoint from which to greet the world.


Music Immersion

Learning music through the five senses.  Improved vocabulary through daily speech games and song.  We provide a compelling array of instruments for children to discover.

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